
Trinidad Ingenios Edición Limitada 2006 Cigar



    Trinidad Ingenios Edición Limitada 2006 cigar is an extraordinary addition to any Cuban cigars collection.

    Released as part of Habanos Limited Edition program in 2007, it was the first time the Trinidad Cigars marca ever produced a Limited Edition cigar; making the Ingenios extra special.

    These beautiful, slim, cuban cigars come boxed in a varnished wooden box of 12 units. The presentation is truly spectacular, and the condition of these limited edition cigars is truly immaculate.

    The unique 165mm by a 42 ring vitola, named Cervantes, is characterised by an iconic pigtail cap that distinguishes all Trinidad cigars. It was the first and last time that such a slim vitola was produced by Trinidad, apart from the Fundadores and the Reyes which are part of their regular production portfolio and date further back from this release.

    You’re sure to be amazed by this rare cigar.

    Upgrade your smoking experience with some cigar accessories:

    Origin: Cuban
    Manufactured: Hand made
    Length: 165mm
    Vitola de galera: Cervantes
    Ring: 42
    Weight 394 kg
    Box option

    Box of 12