
Romeo y Julieta Duke Edición Limitada 2009 Cigar



    The Romeo y Julieta Duke Cigar is an outstanding Romeo y Julieta Cigar with a peculiar debut onto the international cigar scene. Initially overlooked by cigar aficionados, it now enjoys a reputation almost unparalleled among its peers. As a matter of fact, even the late Simon Chase famously described it as one of his favourite Limited Edition cigars.

    An excellent heavy ring gauge cigar and medium to full strength, this Cuban Cigars was the first 54 ring gauge, released by Habanos, to have such a short dimension. It sports, in fact, a generous 54 ring by 140mm in length. A first ever Vitola of this size.

    Needless to say, this Romeo y Julieta cigar is now hugely sought after around the world and we feel incredibly lucky to be able to offer a few boxes of this exceptional cigar to our customers.

    Here are more of the best Cuban Cigars by the famous Romeo y Julieta brand:


    Origin: Cuban
    Manufactured: Hand made
    Flavour: Medium to full
    Length: 140mm
    Vitola de galera: Robusto Extra
    Ring: 54
    Weight 324 kg
    Box Option

    Box of 10, Single Cigar