
Partagas Culebras Cigar LCDH



    The Partagas Culebras Cigar LCDH is a completely unique Cuban cigar produced exclusively for Habanos as part of their LCDH editions. It comes in a twisted shape – making it a peculiar looking smoke.

    Culebras is the Spanish word for snake – looking at the appearance of this smoke, the name is fitting! The story goes that they formed this shape to prevent Partagas employees from selling to the black market – however, this is hearsay! We’ll never know the true story behind this shape, it makes a great story to tell the friends your smoke with nonetheless.

    Generally free of combustion or draw issues, this cigar will provide a smooth, full-flavoured smoke. 

    Shop more full-flavoured cigars from our Cuban cigar shop:

    Origin: Cuban
    Manufactured: Hand made


    Length: 146mm
    Vitola de galera: Culebras
    Ring: 39
    Weight 510 kg
    Box Option

    Box of 3, Single Cigar