
Montecristo “D” Edición Limitada 2005 Cigar



    Montecristo “D” Limited Edition Cigar is a masterpiece that has become incredibly hard to find. This exceptional Habanos release hails from 2005, a vintage that resonates with connoisseurs seeking the extraordinary.

    This Cuban Cigar box features ten meticulously crafted Montecristo “D” cigars, elegantly arranged in a 3-4-3 configuration. With each cigar measuring 43 ring gauge and 170 mm long, reminiscent of the iconic Dalia factory size, enthusiasts will undoubtedly appreciate the cigar format of a bygone era.

    The Montecristo “D” unveils a realm of flavours that have stood the test of time, presenting the aficionado with the unrivalled essence of the Montecristo brand.

    The 43-ring gauge provides a canvas for the perfect balance of flavours. At the same time, the 170 mm length allows for an unhurried journey through the complex notes, revealing a blend that has consistently captivated enthusiasts across generations.

    With only a limited number available from the esteemed 2005 vintage, this is your opportunity to savour the Montecristo legacy in its purest form. Elevate your cigar experience and relish the natural character and timeless allure that define Montecristo as the epitome of cigar excellence. 

    Shop more Montecristo from our Cuban cigar shop:


    Origin: Cuban
    Manufactured: Hand made


    Length: 170mm
    Vitola de galera: Dalia
    Ring: 43
    Weight 508 kg
    Box option

    Box of 10