
Cohiba Maduro 5 Genios Cigar



    The Cohiba Madura 5 Genios, part of the Cohiba Maduro Linea of 2007, is an excellent example of Cohiba’s longer cigars, which still serve a satisfying taste to those who smoke them.  

    Some of Havana’s finest Cuban Cigars are characterised by a Maduro wrapper aged for at least five years – before being hand-rolled into its unique Genios vitola. The result is a wonderfully rich, complex smoke with plenty of coffee and sweeter notes. 

    We also stock the equally fantastic Cohiba Maduro 5 Secretos and Cohiba Maduro 5 Magicos featured in the Cohiba Maduro Linea (2007). 

    Shop more from Cohiba Cigars

    Origin: Cuban
    Manufactured: Hand made
    Medium to Full
    Length: 140mm
    Vitola de galera: Genios 5
    Ring: 52


    Weight 1144 kg
    Box option

    Box of 25, Box of 10, Single Cigar