
H. Upmann Connossieur No. 2 Cigar



    The H. Upmann Connossieur No. 2 Cigar was introduced to Habanos’ Cuban cigar portfolio in 2020 and has since become a cigar community’s favourite.

    Its gentle H. Upmann blend, typically known for its low nicotine content and generally sweet tobacco flavour, was incredibly well received by critics worldwide. As always, with special editions or new releases, they become very hard to find right at the onset so only a lucky few were able to enjoy them.

    The Connossieur No. 2 measures 134mm in length by 51 ring gauge. Its generous girth allows an easy draw and an abundance of smoke. The factory name of the Connossieur No. 2 is Bohemios.

    They come beautifully packed in a bundle of 25 cigars, inside a slide-lid cedar box.

    Shop more from our H. Upmann cigar range:

    Origin: Cuban
    Manufactured: Hand made
    Flavour: Light to Medium
    Length: 134mm
    Vitola de galera: Bohemios
    Ring: 51
    Weight 614 kg
    Box Option

    Box of 25, Single Cigar