
Montecristo Especial Cigar



    The Montecristo Especial Cigar is one of the Montecristo brand’s most elegant and chic-looking Cuban cigars. 

    This vitola measures 192mm in length by a 38-ring gauge, giving it a sleek silhouette. A must-have Laguito No. 1 format for any aficionado.

    The flavours of this hand-made cigar make it even more desirable—featuring knock-out cedar tones with complementary notes of coffee and almond. 

    Pair this box with some cigar accessories to give the perfect gift:

    Origin: Cuban
    Manufactured: Hand made
    Medium to full
    Length: 192mm
    Vitola de galera: Laguito No. 1
    Ring: 38


    Weight 618 kg
    Box Option

    Box of 25