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The Montecristo No.1 Cigar is the largest of the Montecristo numbered series. It’s known by many aficionados for its consistently smooth draw.
The hand-crafted Cuban cigar is rolled into this exceptional Cervantes vitola, which is 165mm long and has a 42-ring gauge.
Delivering a fantastic smoke full of complex flavours – it begins with bolder tones and mellows out into a creamy cigar. How could you resist adding this renowned cigar to your collection?
Shop our range of cigar accessories from our Cuban cigar shop:
Origin: | Cuban |
Manufactured: | Hand made |
Flavour: |
Medium to full
Length: | 165mm |
Vitola de galera: | Cervantes |
Ring: | 42 |
Weight | 520 kg |
Size | Box of 25, Single Cigar |