Romeo y Julieta Robustos Edición Limitada 2001 Cigar



    The Romeo y Julieta Robustos Edición Limitada 2001 stands as a testament to exquisite craftsmanship of Cuban cigar making, bearing the distinction of being the first limited edition to proudly display its release year on a golden secondary band.

    Unique in every aspect, these Limited Edition Cigars boast vitolas not found in a brand’s regular array. Before 2007, the wrapper leaves matured for an additional two years; post that year, all five leaves enjoyed a two-year aging process.

    These cigars are draped in a uniquely rich and thick wrapper, darker than most of their Cuban counterparts. Cultivated from the esteemed Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba, the tobacco used is aged for at least two years. This region, with its perfect blend of climate, soil, and humidity, is heralded as the pinnacle of tobacco cultivation globally, crafting cigars that are nothing short of legendary.

    These Romeo y Julieta Robustos represent the second ever Limited Edition to be made under the Romeo y Julieta brand and are sure to be a show stopper in any aficionado’s humidor.

    Here are some other interesting limited edition cigars:

    Origin: Cuban
    Manufactured: Hand made
    Length: 124mm
    Vitola de galera: Robustos
    Ring: 50

    Weight 508 kg
    Box Option

    Box of 25